Arts Alive 2024 Community Organizations

ArtsFalmouth, Inc. has invited nonprofit and similar community organizations to set up tents on the Falmouth Library Lawn during Arts Alive to provide information about their activities. They will be there from 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, June 15, and 11 AM to 5 PM on Sunday, June 1 6. We encourage you to stop by and learn more about some of the many community organizations that contribute to the vitality of Falmouth and the Upper Cape.

Belonging to Each Other (Saturday only)
Belonging to Each Other helps the homeless find stable housing. They will have brochures and one-page handouts that describe their mission and impact on the community.

Cape Cod Healthcare (Saturday only)
CCHC would like to educate the community about stroke and stroke symptoms. They will have posters, brochures and other stroke related give-aways, as well as a BP station to take blood pressures as requested by the participants. Their goal is to educate the participants about stroke, and then pass out free T- shirts with the THINK FAST logo. We want to be sure that the public understands what FAST (face – arms- speech – time) means so they can explain it to others.

Cape Cod Pride (Saturday and Sunday)
Cape Cod Pride’s mission is building bridges of understanding on Cape Cod and providing activities, including Pride Month festivities. They will provide organizational information.

Consumer Assistance Council (Saturday only)
The CAC helps follow up on consumer complaints to the Attorney General’s office in an effort to recover refunds, rebates due, or to receive services. CAC will provide brochures on consumer protection, avoiding scams, auto warranties, etc.

Falmouth Chorale (Saturday only)
The mission of the Falmouth Chorale is to engage with audiences by sharing our passion for musical excellence and the joy of singing.

Falmouth Cultural Council (Saturday and Sunday)
Falmouth Cultural Council’s mission is to promote excellence, inclusion, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in order to foster a rich cultural life and contribute to the economic vitality of our community. FCC will ask residents and visitors to fill out FCC’s community survey, which will be used to determine the Falmouth Cultural Council’s funding and programming priorities for FY25.

Falmouth Genealogical Society (Saturday and Sunday)
The Society is a nonprofit organization of beginner, amateur, and professional family historians and genealogists dedicated to studying, preserving and sharing family histories.   ​Established in 1985, FGS promotes genealogical research among members; the Barnstable County community; and anyone interested in family history. Volunteers at the Arts Alive booth will inform people about its free services and capabilities, do online ancestor look ups in various censuses and family trees for persons interested in exploring their family history.

Falmouth Gun Safety Coalition (Saturday Only)
The Falmouth Gun Safety Coalition seeks to prevent gun violence. They will give away free gun locks and safety literature.

League of Women Voters of Falmouth (Saturday and Sunday)
The League of Women Voters of Falmouth is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. They will provide copies of US Constitution and information about LWV.

Neighborhood Falmouth (Saturday and Sunday)
Neighborhood Falmouth’s mission is to help Falmouth senior citizens age in place. They will offer Volunteer and Member brochures.

SouthCoast Fair Housing (Sunday Only)
SouthCoast Fair Housing (SCFH) is a nonprofit fair housing organization dedicated to eliminating housing discrimination, ensuring equal housing opportunities, and developing inclusive communities throughout Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. To advance this mission, SCFH delivers fair housing education; increases awareness of fair housing rights through community outreach; advocates for laws, policies, and programs that increase protections for equal access to housing; and combats discrimination through investigation, legal representation, and other enforcement services. SouthCoast Fair Housing will have brochures, Pride flags and pins, coloring pages and crayons, and general information about fair housing.

Upper Cape Women’s Coalition (Saturday only)
UCWC works politically on behalf of women’s and girl’s rights. They will provide information on their priority legislation as well as information on women’s healthcare.