The Woods Hole Trad Stroll is Virtual this year! But it offers an exuberance of music, dance, and thoughtful discourse. Events are now being videotaped for airing online and on Falmouth Community Television.
Falmouth Community Television will show the concerts and talks, grouped in approximately three-hour sessions, every Saturday at 7 PM and repeated at 3 PM on Sunday from June 12 through July 11. The videos will also be shown on Youtube and Facebook. Following their premiere showings, the videos will be available on ArtsFalmouth’s YouTube channel.
June 12/13
The June 12/13 show begins with Cat’s Melodeon, an Irish multi-instrumental group led by Bill Black, who was the one to suggest, back in 2014, that ArtsFalmouth have a traditional music event. He has performed at every Trad Stroll since then. Cat’s Melodeon specializes in authentic Irish traditional music–the “pure drop” as it’s known in Ireland and includes guitars, pipes, banjo, and fiddles. The Cats performed outside on Falmouth Community Television’s side yard. This show premieres on Youtube Saturday, June 12, at 7 PM ET:
The Nobska Lights, a Woods Hole-based youth dance team, perform two dances. Led Jan Elliott, who coaches the group and plays concertina, and Valerie Walbek, the Nobska Lights specialize in traditional Morris and sword dances from England. The Nobska Lights performed in the Woods Hole playground. This show premieres on Youtube on Saturday, June 12, at 8 PM:
The Familiars are up next. Manny and Linda Dias play folk, country, rock, fiddle, and popular music. Manny sings and plays guitar, while Linda plays violin, mandolin, harmonica, and Irish low whistle, as well as several Irish tunes on Celtic harp. The Familiars performed in their home.. This show premieres on Saturday, June 12, at 8:15 PM:
Rounding out the show is an interview with Lisa Drennan, founder of Merge Consulting, who introduces us to the concept of inclusion of people with disabilities in the community and in the arts. Lisa talked to Marilyn Rowland via Zoom. This show premieres on Saturday, June 12, at 9 PM:
June 19/20
Trained as a classical violinist, Heather Swanson crossed over to folk and traditional Celtic music and loves it. She also teaches music and performs in the Cape Violin and Cello Duo with her cellist daughter. Her CD, “Beside Quiet Waters,” is a collection of traditional and contemporary Celtic tunes. In this performance she is joined by Don Gauland on bodhran and rhythm bones. Heather and Don are looking forward to playing playing Irish tunes again at O’Shea’s Olde Inne in Dennis. Heather and Don performed at the Landfall Restaurant in Woods Hole.
This show premieres at 7 PM on Saturday, June 19:
When the Fever Ends with Andrew Sexton. Andrew talks about his new, and very timely, single, “When the Fever Ends,” which he wrote and recorded during the pandemic. Allen Russell interviewed Andrew at the Falmouth Art Center.
This show premieres at 7:45 PM on Saturday, June 19:
Sonnay Fiddlers. Led by their teacher, Nikki Engstrom, the Sonnay Fiddlers, ages 5 and up, perform a large repertoire of Celtic tunes. Sonnay stands for Students of Nikki, Not All Young, a nod to the adults in the group. The Sonnay Fiddlers performed on Falmouth Community Television’s side lawn.
This show premieres on YouTube at 8 PM on Saturday, June 19:
Marie Younger Blackburn, Inclusion in the Arts: Down Syndrome. The founder of Driven: Cape Cod’s Conference for Women and host of “Conversations the Matter,” Younger Blackburn is a powerhouse, both a leader and a listener, an advocate for racial, social, and gender equality and inclusion of people with disabilities. Marilyn Rowland interviewed Marie at her home during her son Chase’s 17th birthday party. Chase loves music and it plays a big role in his life.
This show premieres at 8:45 PM Saturday, June 19:
June 26/27
Kim Moberg and Heather Swanson. Kim Moberg was born in Juneau, Alaska, the daughter of a classical pianist mother of Alaskan Native Tlingit descent and a U.S. Coast Guard veteran father from Kansas. Music was the constant in her life as her military family moved from place to place. She started playing guitar at 14 and began her professional career as a singer/songwriter in 2014, after overcoming her debilitating stage fright. She has released two albums, “Above Ground” and “Up Around the Bend.” Her passionate and heartfelt vocals mesmerize listeners, while her songs speak to melancholy, heartbreak, healing, and social consciousness. Fiddler Heather Swanson accompanies.
Kim and Heather performed for a small and enthusiastic audience at the Falmouth Art Center. For a preview of Kim’s performance, see this article in Cape Cod Wave.
This show premieres on Youtube at 7 PM:
Alive with Dawna Hammers. Dawna Hammers talk about her new music video, “Alive,” a celebration of life in the face of difficult times.
This show premieres on YouTube at 7:45 PM:
Falmouth Fiddlers. The Falmouth Fiddlers, led by Ursula Boyce, play old-time, bluegrass, and Celtic tunes, and country and folk music on fiddle, mandolin, guitar, banjo, dobro, penny whistle, bodhran, cello, and string bass. The Falmouth Fiddlers performed at FCTV’s side yard.
This show premieres on Youtube at 8 PM:
Lisa Jo Rudy, Inclusion in the Arts: Autism. An education writer and instructional designer, Lisa is the author of many books, including Get Out, Explore, and Have Fun with Your Child on the Autism Spectrum. She and her son Tom talk about autism and Tom’s interest in art and music. Tom plays clarinet in the Falmouth Town Band, is learning the organ, and constructs imaginative and award-winning structures with Legos.
This show premieres on YouTube at 8:45 PM:
July 3/4
Stanley & Grimm. Stanley and Grimm is fiddler Nikki Engstrom and singer/guitarist Sean Brennan. The duo takes its name from the makers of Nikki’s fiddle and bow, fiddlemaker and inventor of the Stanley steam engine, F.O. Stanley, and Grimm, respectively. Stanley & Grimm celebrate traditional music through old and new interpretations of jigs, reels, and songs played with lively fiddle, guitar, and voice. Celtic Radio Network describes their music as “emotionally stirring, exhilarating, perfectly splendid!” Their newest CD is “Open the Gate.” This show was recorded at Falmouth Community Television.
This show premieres on YouTube at 7 PM on Saturday, July 3:
The Groovalottos. The Groovalottos are a high-energy soul, funk, and blues band, a multi-Grammy nominated ensemble, who call their sound Southcoast Thump & Soul. The band includes Chuck V on bass, Mwalim DaPhunkee Professor on keys and vocals, and The ZYG 808 on drums and vocals. They performed in their Polyphonic Studios in Buzzards Bay.
This show premieres on YouTube at 8 PM on Saturday, July 3:
Inclusive Art Class with Linda Dias. Artist and multi-instrumentalist Linda Dias offers an art class designed to be inclusive, to be an enriching experience for people with intellectual disabilities alongside people without intellectual disabilities. This was a terrific project that anyone can do with great results. A list of materials will be available shortly. This class took place on the grounds of the Falmouth Art Center.
This show premieres on YouTube at 8:45 PM on Saturday, July 3:
Materials used in this project (feel free to substitute other brands of acrylic paint):
Materials used:
8″ by 10″ canvas
die cutters or scissors
contact paper
paint brush
paper towels
plastic containers for palettes
Austrian crystals
Basics Acrylic Paints:
Phthalocyanine Blue
Phthalocyanine Green
Cerulean Blue
Artist’s Loft Paints: Black and White
Golden Paints: Titanium White
Heavy Gel (gloss)
July 10/11
The Harper and the Minstrel. Abby and Jay Michaels are passionate performers of music from the past, sung and played on a variety of traditional plucked, bowed, hammered, and woodwind instruments. Their repertoire includes love songs, jigs and reels, dances, and medieval, Renaissance, and Celtic music. They performed live at the Falmouth Art Center on June 26.
This show will premiere on YouTube at 7 PM ET on Saturday, July 10.
Candida Rose. Acclaimed vocalist and songwriter Candida Rose combines her Cape Verdean musical roots with American jazz, singing a mixture of jazz, rhythm and blues, and gospel that she calls KabuJazz. She performed at the Falmouth Community Television studio.
This show will premiere on YouTube at 8:15 PM ET on Saturday, July 10.
Robin Joyce Miller. Robin Joyce Miller and her husband James Walter Miller have created a Black Lives Matter series for Cotuit Center for the Arts. These multimedia slideshow presentations can be seen on the Cotuit Center for the Arts website. Robin has given us permission to include one of those shows, “Black Music Matters: The Culture of Jazz,” in the Trad Stroll. A retired teacher, Robin is a professional artist, author, illustrator and poet.
This show will premiere on YouTube on Saturday, July 10, at 9 PM ET.
Onjalé Scott Price. Newly elected to the Falmouth Select Board, Onjalé serves on the Woods Hole Diversity Advisory Committee, the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program, and the Falmouth Affordable Housing Committee. She is also co-host and co-producer of “The Conversation” on FCTV, a program that focuses on issues of race. In her spare time she grows orchids and experiments with drone photography.
This show will premiere on YouTube at 10 PM ET on Saturday, July 10.
The Virtual Woods Hole Trad Stroll 2021 was supported by funds from the Falmouth Cultural Council, the Mass Cultural Council, and the Woods Hole Foundation.