Highfield Hall: Meditation in the Garden

Join Carol Radford for a relaxing hour-long meditation experience that will introduce a variety of mindfulness strategies. In these monthly workshops, participants will use their senses, listen to a guided meditation, focus on their breath, practice standing meditation, and learn hand mudras. Each workshop will focus on a different theme. Participants will receive a packet of resources. 

Sessions are offered July 20, August 17, and September 14 from 10:30 to 11:30 AM. Sign up for one, two, or all three sessions.

Carol Radford is a certified yoga teacher and author of Mindful Living: Art and Affirmations to Nourish Your Soul. She is the founder of Mentoring in Action http://mentoringinaction.com/ an organization dedicated to supporting novice teachers and their mentors. Carol practices meditation in the gardens at Highfield Hall and loves to share mindfulness strategies with beginning meditators.

Beginning and experienced meditators are welcome. Chairs will be provided. In case of inclement weather, the class will be held on the porch.

The fee is $15 per session, $5 per session for members. Space is limited! Pre-registration required. For more information and to register, visit www.highfieldhallandgardens.org