The three festivals that ArtsFalmouth presents (The Trad Stroll, Arts Alive and JazzFest Falmouth) are free and open to the public. They can only stay that way thanks to the individuals, businesses and foundations that are willing to give their support. Please join them.
You can support ArtsFalmouth:
- By volunteering to help its festivals happen. It takes many hands. You can volunteer to help at Arts Alive 2022, June 17 to 19, here.
- By becoming a member of ArtsFalmouth and being involved in all its activities. To become a member email info@artsfalmouth.org
By making a contribution to help provide the important funding that allows us to continue to present free festivals. Mail donations to ArtsFalmouth, Inc, PO Box 136, Falmouth, MA, 02541`
By becoming a sponsor of ArtsFalmouth or individual ArtsFalmouth events. For more information, download the Sponsorship Levels document below.